Toddler Class

Our "Grow with Me" toddler class invites children who are 24 - 36 months old to come to school with a parent or caregiver.

The program includes imaginative play and sensory-rich activities which encourage children to explore, interact, and follow their natural curiosity. Each session includes songs, storytelling, a craft and a snack. Grow with Me allows toddlers to participate in a school setting and interact with other children, while parents have a chance to meet and become familiar with the cooperative.

Grow with Me meets on Mondays from 9:30 - 11 a.m. Eight-week sessions begin in October, January, and March. Each session costs $240.

Fall Session runs October 7th- December 9th

Winter Session runs January 13th- March 17th

Spring Session runs March 31st- June 2nd

We accept applications for Grow with Me throughout the year.